
Popovers are small content containers that provide a contextual overlay. They can be used as in-context feature explanations, dropdowns, or tooltips.


Class Applies to Description
.s-popover N/A Base parent container for popovers
.is-visible .s-popover This class toggles the popover visibility
.s-popover--close Child of .s-popover Used to dismiss a popover
.s-popover--arrow Child of .s-popover When combined with JavaScript data attributes, this arrow element will be positioned automatically
.s-popover--arrow__tc .s-popover Popover arrow appears top center
.s-popover--arrow__tl .s-popover Popover arrow appears top left
.s-popover--arrow__tr .s-popover Popover arrow appears top right
.s-popover--arrow__bc .s-popover Popover arrow appears bottom center
.s-popover--arrow__bl .s-popover Popover arrow appears bottom left
.s-popover--arrow__br .s-popover Popover arrow appears bottom right
.s-popover--arrow__rc .s-popover Popover arrow appears right center
.s-popover--arrow__rt .s-popover Popover arrow appears right top
.s-popover--arrow__rb .s-popover Popover arrow appears right bottom
.s-popover--arrow__lc .s-popover Popover arrow appears left center
.s-popover--arrow__lt .s-popover Popover arrow appears left top
.s-popover--arrow__lb .s-popover Popover arrow appears left bottom



Attribute Applied to Description
id="{POPOVER_ID}" .s-popover A unique id that the popover’s toggling element can target. Matches the value of [aria-controls] on the toggling element.
data-controller="s-popover" Controller element Wires up the element to the popover controller. This may be a toggling element or a wrapper element.
data-s-popover-reference-element="[css selector]" Controller element Optional Designates the element to use as the popover reference. If left unset, the value defaults to the controller element.
aria-controls="{POPOVER_ID}" Reference element Associates the element to the desired popover element.
data-action="s-popover#toggle" Toggling element Wires up the element to toggle the visibility of a generic popover.
data-s-popover-toggle-class="[class list]" Controller element Adds an optional space-delineated list of classes to be toggled on the originating element when the popover is shown or hidden.
data-s-popover-placement="[placement]" Controller element Dictates where to place the popover in relation to the reference element. By default, the placement value is bottom. Accepted placements are auto, top, right, bottom, left. Each placement can take an additional -start and -end variation.


Event Element Description
s-popover:show Controller element Fires immediately before showing the popover
s-popover:shown Controller element Fires immediately after showing the popover
s-popover:hide Controller element Fires immediately before hiding the popover
s-popover:hidden Controller element Fires immediately after hiding the popover


Create a team


If you’ve added the proper Stimulus controllers to your popover, positioning and arrow direction will be managed for you by Popper.js, a powerful popover positioning library we’ve added as a dependency.

To promote being able to tab to an open popover, it’s best to place the popover immediately after the toggling button in the markup as siblings.

<button class="s-btn s-btn__dropdown" role="button"
<div class="s-popover"
    <div class="s-popover--arrow"></div></div>


Popovers can also be positioned manually if you aren’t using the built-in JavaScript interactivity. Practically, this might look like adding something like t8 l8 to .s-popover.

Manual positioning for arrows is also provided. Arrow direction (top, right, bottom, left) will appear first, followed by the secondary (center, top, right, bottom, left). For example, a popover with an arrow child of .s-popover--arrow_tc will appear on the top of the .s-popover and centered horizontally. Though there are sensible defaults applied to the width of popovers, you may need to adjust manually.

By default, popovers are hidden and positioned absolutely. Adding the class .is-visible will show the popover.

If you want to set the background color to something other than the default, simply add your desired bg-* class to the s-popover element and a matching fc-* class to the s-popover--arrow element.

<div class="s-popover">
    <div class="s-popover--arrow__tc"></div></div>


Popover arrow appears top center


Popover arrow appears top left


Popover arrow appears top right


Popover arrow appears bottom center


Popover arrow appears bottom left


Popover arrow appears bottom right


Popover arrow appears right center


Popover arrow appears right top


Popover arrow appears right bottom


Popover arrow appears left center


Popover arrow appears left top


Popover arrow appears left bottom


In the case of new feature callouts, it may be appropriate to include an explicit dismiss button. You can add one using the styling provided by .s-popover--close.

In order for to close the popover with an explicit close button, you’ll need to add the controller to a parent as illustrated in the following example code:

<div class="…"

    <button id="reference-element" class="s-btn s-btn__filled s-btn__dropdown"

    <div id="popover-example" class="s-popover is-visible" role="menu" aria-hidden="true">
        <div class="s-popover--arrow"></div>
        <button class="s-popover--close s-btn s-btn__muted" aria-label="Close"

Dismissible persistent popover presented with a close button


If the user doesn’t need to interact with the contents of the popover, it may be appropriate to only show it on hover. This will make popovers feel like a tooltip. To do so, we can rely on stock mouseover and mouseout events from Stimulus.

<button class="s-btn" role="button"
        data-action="mouseover->s-popover#show mouseout->s-popover#hide"
<div class="s-popover"
    <div class="s-popover--arrow"></div></div>